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PVS 6.0 Release Notes

PVS 6.0 is a significant new release of PVS. The highlights include declaration parameters, better numeric simplification, Unicode character support, and full integration of NASA packages.

Installation Notes

The system is installed as usual; see the download pages at


We strongly suggest getting a pre-built Allegro version, unless you have concerns with the Allegro runtime click-though license, in which case get one of the SBCL Lisp images. It is possible to build from sources, but it can be sensitive to the platform environment. If you decide to try it and run into problems, let us know at pvs-bugs@csl.sri.com. PVS 6.0 is built with Allegro CL 9.0 and SBCL 1.0.47. It is available for Linux 32- and 64-bit machines, and Mac 64-bit. Note that because CMU Lisp lacks support for both 64-bit Linux and Unicode, we no longer provide that image.

New Features

Declaration Parameters

PVS has theory level parameters, which allow generic theories to be defined. They are very useful, and are used extensively, but there are situations where they are not so convenient. In particular, because of the way that Why3 (http://why3.lri.fr/) generates theories, it was becoming increasingly difficult to support PVS. Declaration parameters solve these problems.

Declaration Parameter Examples

For example, the theory of groups may be introduced as

groups[T: TYPE, *: [T,T -> T], one: T]: THEORY

Basic facts may be given, after which it is natural to define homomorphisms. But to define these over two (possibly) distinct groups, the theory requires two sets of parameters, hence another theory:

homomorphism_lemmas[T1: TYPE, *: [T1,T1 -> T1], one1: T1,
                    T2: TYPE, o: [T2,T2 -> T2], one2: T2]: THEORY

This seemingly minor inconvenience is made much worse when stating that homomorphisms are associative, which now requires yet another theory with four sets of parameters. At this point getting the parameters and importings right, while at the same time trying to follow a standard mathematical presentation of group theory becomes extremely difficult.

PVS 6.0 solves this by providing declaration parameters. These are similar to theory parameters in form, but their scope is just the associated declaration. The following exemplifies this with a somewhat different formulation of groups. Note that everything is within a single theory. This is mostly for illustrative purposes, there are many possible representations of groups in PVS; choosing one depends on the use to be made of it.

groups: theory
 G[t: type+]: type+ from t
 assocG[t: type+]: type = (associative?[G[t]])
 idG[t: type+](op: assocG[t]): type = (identity?[G[t]](op))
 inverseG?[t: type+](op: assocG[t], id: idG[t](op))
                    (inv: [G[t] -> G[t]]): bool
    = inverses?[G[t]](op)(inv)(id)
 inverseG[t: type+](op: assocG[t], id: idG[t](op)): type
    = (inverseG?(op, id))
 +[t: type+]: assocG[t]
 0[t: type+]: idG[t](+[t])
 -[t: type+]: inverseG[t](+[t], 0[t])

 hom?[t1, t2: type+](h: [G[t1] -> G[t2]]): bool =
   h(0) = 0 and
   forall (a, b: G[t1]): h(a + b) = h(a) + h(b) and
   forall (a: G[t1]): h(-a) = -h(a)

 hom_is_assoc[t1, t2, t3, t4: type+]: lemma
   forall (f: (hom?[t1, t2]), g: (hom?[t2, t3]), h: (hom?[t3, t4])):
     h o (g o f) = (h o g) o f
end groups

Currently declaration parameters are restricted to types, this will likely be extended in the future. One of the Why3 examples is

whyex: theory

 ilist[t: type]: datatype
   inull: inull?
   icons(icar: t, icdr: ilist): icons?
  end ilist

 length[t: type](l: ilist[t]): RECURSIVE nat =
    CASES l OF
      inull: 0,
      icons(x, y): length(y) + 1
   MEASURE reduce_nat(0, (LAMBDA (x: t), (n: nat): n + 1))

  inth[t: type](l: ilist[t], (n:below[length(l)])): RECURSIVE t =
    IF n = 0 THEN icar(l) ELSE inth(icdr(l), n-1) ENDIF
   MEASURE length(l)

 mem[t: type](x: t, l: ilist[t]): recursive bool =
   cases l of
     inull: false,
     icons(y, ll): x = y OR mem(x, ll)
  measure length(l)

 mem_inth[t: type]: lemma
   forall (x: t, l: ilist[t]):
     mem(x, l) iff (exists (n: below(length(l))): x = inth(l, n))
 sorted(l: ilist[int]): bool =
   forall (n, m: below(length(l))): n < m => inth(l, n) <= inth(l, m)
 sorted_mem: lemma
   forall (x: int, l: ilist[int]):
       (forall (y: int): mem[int](y, l) => x <= y)
     & sorted(l) <=> sorted(icons(x, l))

end whyex

Note that this defines a list datatype. In the past, inline datatypes could not generate the map or reduce functions, as they needed extra theory parameters and had to generate external theories. With declaration parameters, this is not a problem, so these are generated inline.

Declaration Parameter Details

The parser has been modified to allow declarations to have an optional argument of exactly the form of theory parameters, except that (for now) importings, theory declarations, and constant declarations are not allowed.

As declaration parameters are types, the PVS type checker can usually infer the types, as seen in the examples above. Where it becomes ambiguous, names can include the parameters. For example,

 f[s: TYPE](x: t): s
END th

A reference to f may be unambiguous, if not, f[int] may work, but PVS will try the actuals as both theory and declaration parameters; if that doesn’t work, then f[int][int] is allowed. In this case, that would be equivalent to th[int].f[int]. Empty brackets are allowed syntactically, but this hasn’t been thoroughly tested. The intention is that f[][int] means f must come from a theory with no parameters, while f[int][] means that f must have one parameter in its theory, and no declaration parameters.

Most declarations allow these parameters, except for library declarations. However, most judgements will fail to match if they have declaration parameters, as the judgement mechanism uses a fairly simple matching algorithm to ensure it is fast.

In mappings for theory interpretations, uninterpreted types and constants with declaration parameters must also include theory parameters, as shown in the following example

monad: THEORY

 m[a: TYPE+]: TYPE+

 return[a: TYPE+]: [a -> m[a]]

 >>=[a, b: TYPE+](x: m[a], f: [a -> m[b]]): m[b] % infix
 >>=[a, b: TYPE+](x: m[a])(f: [a -> m[b]]): m[b] = x >>= f; % Curried

 >>[a, b: TYPE+](x: m[a])(y: m[b]): m[b] = x >>= (lambda (z: a): y);

 join[a: TYPE+](x: m[m[a]]): m[a] = x >>= id[m[a]]

 bind_return[a, b: TYPE+]: AXIOM
   FORALL (x: a, f: [a -> m[b]]): (return[a](x) >>= f) = f(x)

 bind_ret2[a: TYPE+]: AXIOM
   FORALL (x: m[a]): (x >>= return[a]) = x

END monad

Maybe[a: type]: datatype
  Nothing: Nothing?
  Just(Val: a): Just?
end Maybe

maybe: THEORY
 importing Maybe

 bind[a, b: type](x:Maybe[a])(f: [a -> Maybe[b]]): Maybe[b]
   = cases x of Nothing: Nothing, Just(y): f(y) endcases

 mm: theory =
      monad{{m[a: type] := Maybe[a],
             return[a: type] := Just[a],
             >>=[a, b: type](x:Maybe[a], f: [a -> Maybe[b]])
                    := cases x of Nothing: Nothing,
                                  Just(y): f(y) endcases

  f(x: int): Maybe[int] =
      if rem(2)(x) = 0 then Nothing else Just(2 * x) endif
  g(x: int): Maybe[int] =
      if rem(3)(x) = 0 then Nothing else Just(3 * x) endif
  h(x: int): Maybe[int] =
      if rem(5)(x) = 0 then Nothing else Just(5 * x) endif
  k(x: int): Maybe[int] = f(x) >>= g >>= h
  k7: formula k(7) = Just(210)
  k25: formula k(25) = Nothing
end maybe

Better Numeric Simplification

PVS 6.0 now includes better simplification as part of the prover assert command for all the four arithmetic operators (+, -, *, and *). A new numeric expression class was introduced to handle results that are not natural numbers, in particular negatives and rationals. What this means is that subterms such as (5 / 13 - 7 * 3) get simplified to -268/13. This can have a dramatic effect in speed and readability.

Various adjustments were made to rewriting, matching, etc., in order to, for example, match the variables in x / y to the single rational number -268/13. This is not perfect, and some proofs will likely need adjustment, depending on how much arithmetic is involved.

Controlling Assert Post-processing

The prover assert command by default checks all of the type predicates of any formula being asserted, as very occasionally a contradiction is found - e.g., even?(3). In rare cases (e.g., proofs within the Bernstein package of the NASA library), this check can take a significant amount of time, even though there are no contradictions. The assert command now includes an ignore-typepreds? flag to address this. By default assert works as before but if it is taking an inordinate amount of time, it may be worth setting this flag to t, in which case it will forgo the checks. Note that this is not unsound as any contradiction will be detected in later processing, but it may delay detection and thereby make it more difficult to pinpoint the cause.

The ignore-typepreds? flag has been included in all PVS prover commands that invoke assert.

Unicode Support

PVS 6.0 supports Unicode. As the release notes are written in Texinfo, which does not support Unicode, the main documentation is in the PVS Unicode help file, M-x help-pvs-unicode (C-c C-h u). Note that the help describes the Emacs input methods, but the point is PVS specifications may include Unicode, however they are edited.

Loading Patches

Patches are now loaded from files in pvs-patches subdirectories located in the PVS_LIBRARY_PATH and the PVS distribution lib (M-x whereis-pvs). The files should have the form patch-*.lisp, where the * is usually a number (not required). The pvs-patches subdirectories are searched in reverse order: thus the PVS distribution pvs-patches will be loaded first, and the patches in the first library appearing in PVS_LIBRARY_PATH will be loaded last. This only matters in case of conflicting patches, and generally means that the patches in a given library override all following patches.

From within a pvs-patch subdirectory the files are loaded in order of the numbers, if given, or the names.

Note that this replaces the older patch mechanism - the patchlevel arguments are still allowed, but none or 0 mean load no patches and everything else is treated the same as the default and loads all patches.

PVSio, ProofLite, Field, and Manip

NASA developed these packages, and PVSio was earlier integrated into PVS. Thanks to NASA, ProofLite, Field, and Manip packages are now integrated into PVS, and no longer need to be separately obtained and installed. The documentation is included in the doc subdirectory of the PVS distribution: PVSio-2.d.pdf, manip-guide.pdf, extrategies.pdf (for Field), and ProofLite-4.2.pdf. Note that these may not reflect the integration, so ignore anything that mentions obtaining and installing the package.

Theory Interpretation Changes

There are a significant number of changes to theory interpretations, mostly bug fixes and changes to handle declaration parameters.

Recursive types and finite_sets

The (co)datatype mechanism has been modified to allow finite_sets in recursive types, i.e.,

 leaf: leaf?
 node(children: finite_set[tree]): node?

Note that allowing set[tree] would cause problems, as the cardinality of the type of tree cannot be determined so there cannot be a set-theoretic semantics. Finite sets cause no such problems.

Datatype subterms

The << subterm relation generated for datatypes was declared to be well-founded, but it is actually also strict, i.e., irreflexive and transitive. This property is often useful, and proving it for each instance of a datatype is inconvenient, so it was added to both the declaration and the axiom.


The changes in 6.0 lead to a number of incompatibilities, the impact is primarily in the proofs. As usual, the best way to deal with possible incompatibilities is to make a copy of your specification directory, run PVS 6.0 on it, and for any proof that fails in ways that are not obvious, run the earlier version of PVS on the original directory in parallel. Start the proofs with M-x step-proof and use TAB 1 to step through the two proofs, and look for differences.

Most of the other incompatibilities are more obvious, and the proofs are easily repaired. If you have difficulties understanding why a proof has failed, or want help fixing it, send it to PVS bugs pvs-bugs@csl.sri.com.

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This document was generated by Sam Owre on February 11, 2013 using texi2html 1.82.